is a responsible group of Industrious Moorish American Volentere Community Activist, hard at work Developing, Maintaining and Expanding ‘YOUR’ Moorish American Social Network’s Online Environment
As with any good thing of true valuable, it always takes a reasonable amount of time, hard work, and the energy required, to get everything up and running smooth as clockwork. So, as our Industrious and VERY MUCH APPRECIATED Volentere Staff go about their busy days and nights, working hard in the background continuing the process of connecting all of ‘YOUR’ online community’s environmental functionality mechanisms, which will hopefully make your experiences here as fruitfully enjoyable as possible, we ask that you do feel free to let us know if there are any further gadgets that you’d like to see implemented on ‘YOUR’ site to make your valuable time spent within ‘YOUR OWN’ Moorish Online Community even more worthwhile.
Number of Members prior to’s upgrading process. All individual who were previously Members will need to Renew your Memberships.
Jobs are, as we all know, very hard to come by these days. The Jobs Area is a location currently being developed to help Moors FIND as well as POST Available Job Opportunities.
Although Your Moorish Products and Services have, as of yet, been posted, we are currently in the process of collecting your Educational, Health, and Entertainment Products and Services offerings.
Your Groups Areas established in the previous version of are in the process of being migrated over from the previous site to this newly established site’s Group Area.
The industrious Moors at are hard at work making sure your experience is much more that simply social. In addition to Education, Entertainment and Social Activities, we will (with your help and assistance) also be providing a Jobs Search Area and much more to fully optimize the positive utility of your valuable time.
Who We Are?
What We Do?
Our Approach
Keep It Simple
The Moorish Community HUB
As you’ll come to find out very shortly, ActiveMoors is being designed not only as a Valuable Social Network, but also as an important HUB connecting you and the rest of our Moorish American Community with all of the most important aspects of YOUR Moorish American Community’s Growing Infrastructure.
At We Make Your Valuable on-line Time More Profitable!
As a 100% Moorish American Owned and Operated Social Network Platform, we will ensure that all areas are created to enhance your dat-to-day activities as an Industrious Active Part of YOUR Moorish American Community!
While we’re going forward with our Re-optimization of ‘YOUR’ Community Site, you may, for hopefully just a very short period of time, see a couple strange looking photos or items from time-to-time. Don’t worry, they’re only simple place-holders which will soon be updated and replaced with content of true value to our community.
We are working hard each day to keep it simple!
As we go forward in our day-to-day development of YOUR Community Site, we will do our utmost best to ensure that remains Community Centered and connected to our ever growing community’s growing infrastructure, while doing our best to ensure that your navigation portals remain as simple as possible, as you discover new members, their Unique Community Rooms and more and more exciting and interesting experiences each and every day.
Visited Site Today
We are (at this very moment) working hard behind the scenes, pulling it all together for you.
Messenger should be on line now.
Feel free to contact us should you have Goods or Services you would like other Moors to know about.
Shops will be online very soon.
Job Search
Your Jobs search area is almost done.
Start your own Township’s SubGroup within your Territory.
Our Team
Thank you to all of our much appreciated hard working Volunteer Staff’s for all you do!
Jone Bey
Marketing Executive
Sarah Bey
Project Manager
Malik Yamalh Dey
Tirone El
UI Designer
Austin T. Bey
App Developer
LoveEl Bey
Web Designer