Got Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope this page will provide you a helpful answers to your specific question. Overview

What Is and how do I use it? is the Moorish American Community’s Premier Online Social Network Site, created as a safe environment EXCLUSIVELY for Moorish Community by Industrious Volentere Moorish Americans.

How can I use ActiveMoors, Is it free or will I have to pay?

The Indigenous and Aboriginal Moorish Community may use in the same manner in which may have previously used Facebook and other Online Social Interactive Networks.. . . and, YES, its 100% FREE to use and enjoy!

Is there any age restriction to use ActiveMoors ?

There are no Age Restrictions to use any area within with the exception of the SALES and Trading Post Pages in which anyone under the age of 18 are not permitted. 

The reason has no age restriction is because it is a Moorish COMMUNITY SITE open to all Moors within our community, and because only Respectful, Decent Behavior and language will be permitted on this Family Appropriate Site. 

Anyone found DISRESPECTING ANY INDIVIDUAL(s) on this site will be Immediately Banned!   

Can I use anywhere in the world?

Yes!  Also, is ‘NOT’ restricted to only Moors who are Aboriginals of or located in North, South or Central Americas. Moors from or located in any Country are all Welcome.   

Can I search for a specific person on ActiveMoors?

Yes, Simple search by name.

Getting Started

How do I “Edit My Profile” ?

Simply navigate to your Profile Page and Click Edit to make any changes you wish.

To find out more about Uploading Your Profile Image or making changes to your Profile’s Background: CLICK HERE !

How do I create an account on ActiveMoors?

Simply provide the requested information, and have at it!  ENJOY!

How can I invite others to join ActiveMoors?

Simply direct your friend, Family and Associates to

Active Moors, It’s Time To Activate!

At some point in time (after registering) please remember that its up to “YOU” to ensure that remains online for the good of “YOUR” Moorish American Community!
So, . . . do take a moment or two, to reach out to as many Moors as you possibly can over on (Zuckerberg’s) Facebook to let them all know that we now have “OUR OWN” Moorish American On-line Social Network, which will only remain on-line if we use it. Because, if we don’t use it, we will most definitely lose it!

Click Here